So it is the end of the Australian financial year today. That prompted me to spend Sunday an organisational frenzy.
I have been feeling overwhelmed recently as I am juggling a new(ish) art business as well as a job as a contract consultant and life in general! So I went to my local stationery store yesterday, bought a new planner, bought & downloaded some very cool inserts from etsy, made some pretty dividers and proceeded to try and create order from the chaos.
I now have a beautifully sectioned planner with areas for time management - that's the beginning of this week's plan above, for my consulting work, and for my art stuff.
I even have a section dedicated to the management of this blog!
At a minimum, as I think of things that need to be dealt with they can go into 1 place - instead of onto scraps of paper that I lose. That's got to be a win, right?
'till next time