Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Magnificent Melbourne Street Art

Well hi there lovelies!

So I am still updating the blog from my 6-week insane/mental "completion of all my teaching art samples and notes" period.   This time of arty class updating madness has not only negatively impacted this blog, but also put me behind on my own homework for Life Book 2014, and Express Yourself .  So over the coming weeks I am focusing on getting back up to date with these 2 awesome classes - I feel that I am somehow missing out by not really participating as the classes come live onto their respective nings!  

BTW, I know I am not really "behind" because the classes are available forever and 12 months respectively so I can do actual catch up, but I am such a girly swot that I HATE MYSELF when I start falling behind. I get very harsh on myself to achieve and my inner critic has a field day - its a character flaw that I try to manage as best I can.

Anyhoo, I did manage to spend one afternoon on a curated Melbourne art walk with 3 of my good arty mates (honorable mention here to Joan, Rosie and Jen).  So I wanted to share some of the pics of the awesome Melbourne Street Art (there were lots of other things inside galleries that we saw, but the potential of copyright infringement means that I can't post them here).  

If you haven't gone for a wander around Melbourne's lanes yet - do yourself a favour and get your walking boots on next time your in the CBD.  To all my lovely readers from interstate - make some time between shoe shopping on your next visit!

Here is a link to a really useful DIY walk if you don't want to pay for a curated one. On to the pics:

Who doesn't love a good skull?

I was so inspired by all this street art, that I bought a catalog of Melbourne street art from 2010 to 2012, and this very cool Street Art Stencil Book that has pull-out stencils you can use in your own art work!

'Till next time!


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