Sunday, 27 April 2014

Special Class Wrap-up

Hello Lovelies,

I blogged last month about my friend Robert coming to teach a private class for myself and 3 of my art friends.  It happened on Friday (25th) and it was a huge success!

Robert's work is so fantastic - he really is a "memory keeper".  He takes Scrapbooking to a completely new and very artistic level. In fact he recently completed a commission doing exactly what we learned in our class for Matt Preston. (For my overseas readers, Matt Preston is an Australian TV celebrity and Food Critic who lives here in Melbourne).

Robert enables his students to create integrated pieces of art from a plethora of personal memories.  His empathy and genuine interest in people is so special. As a teacher he is confident, generous and engaging. 

I completely rearranged my front room to squeeze us in.  We went from this:

To this, complete with Robert in action:

Here's Robert giving us instructions...
(Apologies for my poor photography there)

Here's a pic of Rosie's work completed (that's Rosie in the red top).  She is so good at working "small"!  Her piece was about her trip to NY last year.  She printed out some of the 500+ photos that she took on the trip with each photo being thumbnail size, and then set about cutting them all up... painstaking!  The panel she used is approx 15cm by 45cm.

And here's mine.  My panel is approx 15cm x 21cm (that's measured from the outside of the frame).  My picture is not trip specific but rather is using family memorabilia - photo's negatives, bits of letters and old correspondence.

The Panels that we worked on were really interesting.  The limestone top was so good to scratch into! I sanded mine as well adding paint and charcoal to get interesting lines.  I have another panel the same size as Rosie's, so I will produce some art on it over the next couple of weeks and blog for you.  I am seriously considering using these panels in a class but I want to find out how well the surface will take transfers.

I am keen to organise another teaching class for Robert (at his studio in Docklands as opposed to in my house), so if you are interested in learning a completely different way of scrapbooking, please email me at or follow this blog and I will keep you updated.

'till next time


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