Thursday, 8 May 2014

Art Journal progression - designing motifs

Hello lovelies,

Feeling somewhat inspired by my visit to Ro's workshop / home for classes, I decided I wanted to tackle a bit of stamp carving. But what to make as a stamp?

I designed a flower motif some time ago on this art journal page:

Here it is in close up:

I subsequently had it turned into a stencil where I had added a feather as well - to better represent the entirity of that journal page:

So I decided that these would be perfect to carve into a stamp so that I can use the design in a different manner.

Not bad for a first attempt at stamp carving if I do say so myself!  I used a speedball easy carve block and the cutting tools that came with it, purchased here.  

I traced the image using tracing paper and a graphite pencil, then flipped it over and rubbed the graphite drawing onto the surface of the block - easy peasy! Then to carving... the block is actually very forgiving and the tools are easy to use - it's far easier than the lino cutting I did in high school. My biggest problem was that my cutting was not at an even depth, so my stamps are a little bit too thin around the edges and that leads to a wobble when I stamp them.  This isn't a deal breaker though as I figure if I put easymount on them I can stamp using a block. That should make the stamped image a little less likely to have odd "bits" around it.

What I find most interesting is how a doodle in my art journal can take on a life of its own.  I have no idea where my flower and feather combo will turn up next - who knows?!?

Why don't you take the time to flip through your art journals and look at the pages you've made with fresh eyes - you just never know what recurring motif you can utilise in other ways.

'till next time


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