Sunday, 11 January 2015

WANTED - 1 x Mojo, missing since November

Hello lovelies!

First full week back at work this week - this working thing really gets in the way of a) creating art, and b) getting my mojo on.  

I find that my mojo takes a while to get going.  Once it does I am fairly prolific, but it seems that mojo is wandering in the desert, and is yet to find its way to me here in Perth.

I know that it just takes time and space, but a missing mojo is no laughing matter.  To try and get the juices flowing, I have enrolled in Lifebook 2015 (you can find out more here).  Now, I hear you all saying, "But Liz you still haven't finished all the classes from Lifebook 2014 yet!"  Yes, this is true, but the knowledge that some arty videos and lessons are hitting my inbox every week may just call my mojo home.

So I spent some time last weekend actually creating something.  It was a struggle, particularly as I still haven't unpacked and completely organised my art supplies, so I can't just put my hands on what I want when I have the urge to use it.  In fact I can't even find my humungous store of washi tape - clearly I have put it somewhere "safe" - or perhaps its just gone to the same place that the "other sock" goes to after you have done a wash.  It's another of life's little mysteries.

As with previous years Tamara asks us to meditate on our mot de l'année (word of the year).  This was not a tough one for me, given the upheavals I experienced through 2014, I knew some time ago what 2015 needed to be about.  I've gone for a serve of "balanced & calm, with a twist of "measured" thrown in to ensure that I do not let my responses to situations ruin the balanced and calm.

So here is my little lifebook page, very simple techniques with a focus on colour:
I decided that I wanted to do a triadic colour combination so I went for yellow green with violet and blue.  It was a challenging triad to use, but I think I got the balance right.  The envelope on the page has some aspirations for 2015 inside it.  Not goals, aspirations - I don't want to be hard on myself if I don't achieve them, and I would be if they were goals.

So did you set a mot de l'année for 2015?

'till next time


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